Our History & Building
Where did it start? . . .
It started with a dream to encourage protection of open space and to retain the community character of Johnsburg. A door to this dream opened when the former Alexander’s garage/Bacon garage became available in 1999 and was purchased by Elise and Woody Widlund.
The dream of open space for this particular piece of real estate changed when the historic WPA Ski Bowl building burned down in the fall of 1999. This was a great loss to Johnsburg and to the residents.
Bill Thomas, Town of Johnsburg Supervisor, had gathered representatives of the many organizations that have had occasion to use the Ski Bowl building to explore what the needs for space would be for each organization in a new building. Elise attended this meeting. …And so the dream took an about-face. “Let’s look into meeting some of the space needs that I learned about and give the building to the Town” says Elise to Woody. Together the Widlunds approached Bill Thomas, the Town Board and held an open public meeting with this idea. Support was very high. Thus the Tannery Pond Community Center was born. The name has its roots in the stream behind it, which once was wider and called the Tannery Pond.
The initial plan of using the existing building dissolved when the engineers reviewed the structure for a long-term investment. 20 years did not sound long enough to the Widlunds, so a whole new structure was decided upon. Aided by an advisory committee of local residents, the Widlunds and the architectural firm of Joy, McCoola and Zilch began the task of turning the dream into reality.
Building Characteristics
Energy Efficiency
Windows: Thermally efficient aluminum clad that should not require painting for 30 to 40 years.
Glazing: Argon-filled low-E insulating glass for higher R-value.
Aluminum Doors: These doors provide a low maintenance alternative to wood doors and are dimensionally stable so they won’t stick in humid weather. The finish should last 30 to 40 years.
Hardware: All door hardware is commercial grade for long life and minimal maintenance.
Siding: Fiber-Cement clapboard siding: rot-proof and should not require painting for 15 years; fifty year warranty
Shingles: 40-year warranty for longer life.
Ice Protection (heated eves): Snow-melt system, snow slides at eaves and ventilated roof: should increase the life of the roof by avoiding ice dam damage.
Insulation: Additional thicknesses of insulation at foundation, exterior wall and roof: obviously these features translate into lower energy costs.
Snow-melt (walkways): A hydronic snow melt system was installed at exterior walks near entrances. This system aides in snow removal at these locations, decrease the risk of liability and prolong the life of concrete paving by eliminating the use of salt. This system will increase energy costs but these should be balanced with the above benefits and lower maintenance.
Carpet: Carpet is constructed of the best grade yarns for resistance to stains including bleach. The carpet backing is solid vinyl for resistance to water and providing a backing that the yarns cannot unravel from. The carpet is also dimensionally stable and will not shrink or cause seams to pull apart. Maintenance costs are less when compared to Vinyl Tile.
Toilet Rooms: Finishes are designed to be durable and vandal-resistant. Toilet accessories are commercial grade.
Lighting: All lighting, except for theatrical lighting and gallery lights, is energy-efficient fluorescent or H.I.D. with long lamp life.
HVAC: A geothermal heat pump system will provide both heating and cooling. The cooling is optional but is needed for performances in the Multi-purpose Room in the warmer summer months. A ventilation system will provide fresh air year-round and is equipped with a heat exchanger for energy efficiency. A programmable energy management system will be provided for monitoring and regulating heating and cooling from a central location within the building.
Energy: The Energy Code requirements have not only been met, but exceeded. Walls are approx. four times the R-value required and the roof is one and a half times the value required.
Summary: While all buildings require maintenance and consume energy, TPCC surpasses most buildings in both categories. The quality of the materials, the super-insulated building envelope and the energy efficiency of the HVAC systems combined - make this building extremely efficient to operate.